Group Classes
We are currently grounding our location with your help, the dates of our offerings might shift as our physical location takes shape.
Donate to our Indigogo Campaign while securing your membership here.
Weekly classes with a shifting monthly emphasis.
Purchase your membership to access our classes. Check out our membership page to find our suggested donation and intro offers.
Members are encouraged to reserve their spot via our member app.

Eros + Logos
In ‘Eros and Logos’ school we gather weekly to explore what's possible in a group soul space by weaving the powerful energies of life and mind. Eros is the exploration of our life force, also known as erotic pleasure. It is a communion with the currents of energy that move through your body. Logos represents the power of logic and the intellect. In our weekly container you will be invited to explore and expand your energy, relationships, mind, and physical edges.
Consent and boundaries are emphasized to create a eco-system of nourishment and safety for your growth.
It is through cultivating both powers within that our energy flows freely and directly into currents that nourish both our lives and the lives of others.

Exploring Tantric breath & Energetic orgasm
We will explore what is possible with tantric breath. We will use breath to guide our ecstatic current.
Tantric Puja Circle
Come explore connection through the different bodies of experience. this will be a guided journey of exploring deeper intimacy with self and other reflections.
Kink Theater
In this class we bring our shadow to the light. Held in a structured container, we express the kink in us, that is ready to be seen.
Wheel of the Soul
Explore the power, and clarity of intention in relationship interactions. We will cover the nature of energy exchange from the four quadrants of the soul in relationship to the wheel of consent
7 Realms Theater
We will dive into the exploring the realms of the mind, outside of presence, to embody and act out. brining greater awareness to our minds unconscious patterns
Soul Transmissions
Channel your inner wisdom and expression in a group forum.

Each class is a unique journey into embodiment, awakening the channel of communication between yourself and your physical form. Here we allow the mind to rest and the body to lead to foster wellness on every level.

Embodied Yoga
In this class we will begin with familiar yoga postures to warm up the body and tune in, moving from here into somatic body-led movement finishing with rest and meditation.
Tantric Embodiment
Through movement, breath and tantric practices we will awaken the divine pranic life force at the base of our spine, Allowing the serpent of inspiration, divinity and vitality to flow freely up to the crown and down into the earth. Fully embracing the human experience through surrendered presence.
Vocal Activation
With the use of mantra, song, and sound we will open the channel of expression within us all. Allowing the unique gift of our soul to be heard and witnessed in the world.
Somatic Kundalini
employing the technology of kundalini yoga in a feminine body-led way, We will tap into the body's wisdom creating balance, embodiment and presence. Here we challnege the body and honor its needs while activating and clearing stagnation.
Somatic Movement
Drop out of the mind and into the body with this free form movement class. We will evoke practices that foster a renewed connection to the physical being, learning the individual language of our body and giving the animal within space to express freely.
Intro to Meditation
In this 6 week series we will dive into the basics of meditation along with the various styles and techniques to develop a personal practice that nurtures your soul.

Wether its through movement, art, theater or dance- we love to express. Join us as we dance with creation.
Jungian Archetypal Theater
A night where we all remember we can be whoever we want to be at any moment. Explore the shadow and light of the archetype you draw as you play in character with the other "actors."
The third Thursday of every month at 7 PM.
In this 6 week series learn to see and witness even more deeply into the emotional complexity of humans inhabiting their bodies. In this series study meets action as we both learn and create.
Class begins in August.
Song Circle
Show up with your instrument. And make music with your friends. We have a variety of instruments suitable for beginners and children with a passion to learn.
Date - TBD
Sumi ink
Commune with your chi as you explore the fluidity of your energy as your brush meets the paper. Your medium is simple, black ink. Your only tools, a brush, a jar of water, and paper. Relaxing world music is played during the class as we channel the energy of our chi.
Every Tuesday at 10 AM.
The Artist's Way
Together we walk the 12 week spiritual journey as laid out by Julia Cameron in... The Artist's Way. We begin in August. Register here.